About Ligula Foundation
Ligula Foundation is founded by family Löffler and Tastsinn AB together with the subsidiaries and sister companies of the Group, primarily Ligula Hospitality Group AB. The background is a willingness and ambition to help out in the world and thereby contributing to a better society at large.
Ligula Foundation has chosen to primarily concentrate its efforts towards children and animals because we feel that they are important for future sustainability. Without an abundance of wildlife and healthy children the future will look bleak. Other types of public support may also be provided as well as direct support for research and other relief organisations.
The Foundation may operate all over the world and where it is impossible to do it ourselves, the support is provided through reputable and well-known relief organisations. Support for individual initiatives could be another way to go for the Foundation with its ambition. The latter is based on that you are able to document your initiatives in a credible manner in order to receive assistance from the Foundation.
Ligula Foundation is founded with a one-time capital payment from the Löffler family as well as the above companies where the current return will be distributed to 75 – 80 percent. In addition to this capital, Ligula Hospitality Group will donate the following, in accordance with a donation agreement which initially will be in force for three years. For each booking of accommodation via Ligula Hospitality Group’s website, SEK 10 will be allocated to the work of the Ligula Foundation. Of these SEK 10, one half will be added to the capital and the other half will go directly to charity within the scope of the current year’s dividend. Thus, the current year divides both the share of the return and half the contribution from the bookings throughout the year to charity in accordance with the Foundation’s ambitions.
The family and Tastsinn AB / Ligula Hospitality Group AB have a long tradition of supporting various charitable projects. Ligula Foundation was set up in 2017 in order to combine, conentrate and coordinate the Group’s various charitable initiatives in the best possible way.
The primary duty of the Foundation is to give support to children and endangered animals. The forms and the assessments may vary from case to case but children and animals are the focus for the assessments when contribution is handed out. But of course research and other charitable purposes may also be models for support if at all possible and if it can be accommodated within the existing resources. When we talk about vulnerability, we give it a relatively broad interpretation but it may be based on a need of assistance for a variety of reasons. Currently we are involved in an orphanage in Thailand, where many are stateless, and we are also Gold-sponsors for the wolverine, an endangered species, via the Nordens Ark Zoo in Sweden. Both of these commitments have been going on for a long period of time and will continue for the time being.
Ligula Foundation may also donate money directly to other charitable organizations, such as for example the Red Cross or Save the Children, in the event of for example natural disasters and wars. Organizations such as the Children’s Cancer Foundation, SOS Children’s Villages and similar organization may also receive grants from the Foundation. This type of donations has been a big part of the Corporate Social Responsibility work which the companies in the Ligula Hospitality Group have done previously. The Group has of course also previously provided support to the victims of for example the tsunami in Asia, the war in Syria and other disasters which in one way or another have affected children and animals.
Which projects should be supported are determined by the Board of the Foundation. The Board meets three to four times a year and consists of a maximum of five members with representatives from the Löffler family, related persons, as well as from the Ligula Hospitality Group. The founding members are Uwe Löffler (Chairman), Elisabeth Löffler (Deputy Chairman) and Marita Ceder (Secretary).